The best habits to boost your immunity

A virus mutates through and through to get better at surviving, just like we humans have evolved through centuries, getting smarter throughout. And that is what the COVID-19 virus did to survive; it mutated into various variants, the present one being the Omicron. But adaptation is not just what viruses can do; we humans, like all living beings, are capable of adapting to the changes that life throws at us. Keeping this in mind, if the virus just got better at surviving, all we have to do is get better at preventing it with the help of our immune system. The ‘How’ here depends on the researchers figuring out medicines and vaccines, and on a more personal level, improving our habits and foods. While the former depends on researchers across the globe, we have listed down some foods and healthy habits that you can adopt to boost your body’s immune response against the COVID-19 virus:

Don’t Take Stress: And we cannot emphasize this enough. Stress may be good, but only when it is very low or if it motivates you. However, when stress starts affecting your physical health and starts discouraging you that can prove to be unhealthy. While we understand that, in times like this, it is easy to get stressed by everything we hear, we still advise you to reduce activities or events that trigger unhealthy stress. Hobbies and recreational activities are ways through which you can distract yourself and are ways by which you can attain happiness and calmness.

Consume Turmeric: The most expected food item when it comes to immunity is… let me tell you, the hype and fame are worth it. The anti-oxidant and healing properties of turmeric are recognized and passed on to us by our wise sages. And what better way to get an immune boost against a COVID infection than a good dose of turmeric, either in water or milk? Turmeric’s soothing properties help prevent flu and also play an active role in immune function.

Do some activities: Exercise is the key factor in staying healthy, along with a good diet. And just like exercise helps you stay fit and active, it also keeps you strong and helps improve your immune system. A 30-minute workout 4-5 times a week can help you stay active and maintain a healthy body. A healthy body will only motivate strong immunity, keeping you fit and maintaining your overall health.

Take some fruits and vegetables: A good diet is essential to stay healthy, and what’s healthier than nutritious fruits and vegetables? As much as we like to fuss over it, a well-balanced diet with the essential nutrients is exceptionally healthy. Add in a few veggies and fruits to your everyday diet in proportions to provide you with the necessary nutrients required for a healthy diet.

Sleep for 7-8 hours per night: 7 to 8 hours of sleep may vary from person to person but is considered adequate for adults as it completes the REM cycle responsible for proper functioning. A good night’s sleep not only helps you stay refreshed throughout the day but also serves as a healthy rest for your body. Sleep can act as a recharge, charging your body up after a restful sleep to go about your everyday activities with new energy. This affects your physical wellbeing as much as it improves your mental health.

Hydration: Our body is mostly composed of water, and this means that water serves as a very important component in almost everything that goes on inside our body. Therefore, there is no doubt about the strong link between hydration and health. And since water is a component of almost everything in our body, it also helps the immune cells and increases their circulation across the body, ensuring that the cells reach every tissue and cell.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C has excellent antioxidant properties that make it very important when it comes to skin health and immunity. It is one of the most important immunity-boosting foods and is present in citrus fruits such as oranges and limes. However, various Vitamin C supplements can help boost your immunity. Immunity is the first wall of defense, and therefore, maintaining it at this crucial time becomes ever more important., hope the tips and suggestions help you stay healthy and well.

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