
Philips Wisp Pediatric Nasal Mask: Helping Kids Sleep Soundly


  • Playful design to ease children into CPAP therapy.
  • Soft, breathable cushion for maximum comfort.
  • Leak correction dial for easy adjustments without removing the mask.
  • Minimal contact design minimizes facial irritation.
  • Three cushion sizes for a personalized fit.


Does your child struggle with sleep apnea, and traditional CPAP masks seem overwhelming? Look no further than the Philips Wisp Pediatric Nasal Mask, designed specifically for the comfort and well-being of young patients.

Making CPAP Therapy Fun:

The Wisp Pediatric Mask features a playful and child-friendly design that can help ease anxieties and make CPAP therapy less daunting for your child. The mask’s appearance is more like a comfortable sleep accessory than a medical device.

Comfort Throughout the Night:

The Wisp Pediatric prioritizes comfort for your child. It features a soft, breathable cushion that gently conforms to their face, minimizing pressure points and skin irritation. The minimal contact design further reduces the risk of discomfort, ensuring a peaceful night’s sleep.

Easy Adjustments for Parents and Caregivers:

The Wisp Pediatric understands the importance of convenience for parents and caregivers. The innovative leak correction dial allows for easy adjustments to ensure a proper seal without the need to remove the mask entirely. This simplifies nighttime adjustments and minimizes disruptions for your child’s sleep.

A Personalized Fit for Every Child:

The Wisp Pediatric Nasal Mask comes in three different cushion sizes to accommodate a variety of facial structures. This allows for a customized fit that optimizes comfort and treatment effectiveness for your child.

Helping Children Breathe Easy and Sleep Soundly:

The Philips Wisp Pediatric Nasal Mask is the answer to providing a comfortable and effective sleep apnea solution for your child. Talk to your doctor about whether the Wisp Pediatric is right for your child and help them experience restful nights and improved well-being.


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