How effective is the Vaccination process ?

How effective is the Vaccination process & Booster dose against covid-19?

 The covid-19 vaccine & its efficiency 

By the day this lethal pandemic of coronavirus hit the whole world, the scientists and doctors started a new struggle of making the vaccine. Now several vaccines are available which are effective in protecting us against covid-19. Vaccination is not efficient only in saving our lives, it also works as a barrier in passing the virus to others too. That means getting vaccinated will protect both you and the people around you.

No vaccine is ideal or hundred percent effective. Even the (MMR) vaccine that is measles, mumps, and rubella – one of the most efficient vaccines ever prepared against disease – is only around 96 percent effective against measles after both jabs, also the seasonal flu vaccine works with an efficiency of 45 percent. Still, it can prevent one million & thirty thousand deaths due to flu every year in the US alone.

Although the different COVID-19 vaccines like the Pfizer/BioNTech Comirnaty vaccine, the SII/COVISHIELD, and AstraZeneca/AZD1222 vaccines, the Janssen/Ad26.COV 2.S vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA 1273), the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine, the Sinovac-CoronaVac vaccine, the Bharat Biotech BBV152 COVAXIN vaccine, the Covovax (NVX-CoV2373) vaccine, and the Nuvaxovid (NVX-CoV2373) vaccine, available around the world are highly effective. But still, some people can get ill with COVID-19 even after vaccination.

So, it is mandatory to keep precautions for protecting yourself and the people around you even after getting vaccinated. It is better to stay at home if you feel unwell and get tested if you have gotten infected, also keep yourself informed about how much virus is circulating in the areas where you live, work and travel. Always equip your home with emergency medical kits including medicare ad handy medical equipment like CPAP Mask, portable oxygen concentrator, BIPAP Machine, Oxygen Concentrator & Ventilator as people with respiratory diseases get affected badly once infected with the virus.

What is this booster dose we are getting to hear nowadays?

A booster dose is an additional dose of vaccine that is developed for the population that has got fully vaccinated with the primary vaccination series. Majorly two doses of primary vaccine are available around the world. At some places, it is available in three jabs depending upon the population immunity of the people of that area. A booster dose is necessary when clinical protection gets fallen below a rate deemed sufficient in already vaccinated people.

The current primary goal of the COVID-19 vaccine is to protect people from severe disease, hospitalization, and death by immunizing the population around the world. More data is required to understand how the immunity and protection we get from vaccines change its results over time. The safety will be different for different vaccines against the virus variants circulating in an area.

What should be prioritized, the primary vaccination campaign for all, or the booster doses for those who are already vaccinated? 

People going through certain medical conditions or taking medications that weaken their immune system might not get complete protection even if they got fully vaccinated with primary vaccine doses. So, people with moderate or lesser immunity should get a booster shot.

At present, there is not sufficient availability and supply of COVID-19 vaccines to vaccinate all high prioritized groups against the COVID-19 virus. Reaching the primary vaccination series for those at most risk should be prioritized over giving the booster dose to the already vaccinated people. There are no recommendations from WHO for the booster doses at this time. When more data will available, the WHO will update its policies based on the facts and proof.

All COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the United States, middle east countries, and the Asia subcontinent are sufficiently effective at preventing COVID-19. Staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccination ad other protecting habits gives most people a high level of protection against COVID-19.

Get yourself vaccinated. Available evidence shows that getting yourself vaccinated with the covid-19 vaccine adds more protection to your immune system even if you already had COVID-19.


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