Does medical equipment prevent Covid-19 ?


When the air around us witnesses a difference in

temperature with a sudden fall in mercury level within 24 hours, the waves

generated are known as cold waves. The movements in air streams give rise to

the formation of cool air masses. These are the cold waves that are responsible for the cooling effect in the atmosphere at most geographical locations. The most favorable time for the formation of cold waves is from December to

February. A sharp downfall like a minimum of 2 to 4 degrees Celsius triggers a col

Why did they are a cause of concern?

 The most coherent issues of cold waves are:-

 • A rise in the number of accidents is observed during cold waves due to snowfalls & traffic jams.

• These merciless cold waves impact the homeless roadside people most as they are bound to live so.

• Flight operations gets badly impacted because of the following factors:

 1. Cumulation of ice on outer surfaces of the aircraft. Due to the high cold temperatures, the stressed metal surfaces become

less efficient and almost inoperable.

2. Development of strain on batteries of Vehicles in extremely cold weather conditions can harm ground operations, etc.

 • Cardio and respiratory diseases are the most common causes of death due to the cold waves.

 Cold waves and Global Climate change 

 Last, to last year, we observed that a city that is known for its hot weather and very little rain witnessed record-breaking rain. Dubai and other regions of the UAE are reflecting large-scale climate changes. The city that was known for sand storms is now receiving hail storms! These unusual shifts in the weather act are leaving amused. The people of Dubai are bound to think about these shifts in climate change and its rate. 

Also, last year in January 2021 a cold wave hit the UAE following a great dip in temperatures. The temperature went down to 8-degree Celcius in the inner city while a drop of 4 degrees was observed in the outskirts of the city. It was the coldest January the Dubai city and most of the places in the UAE ever witnessed. In January, the temperature went to even -2 degrees centigrade.

Jais Mountain in Ras Al Khaimah received heavy snowfall and rain in 2021. 

Usually, people are not bothered to use woolen clothes in UAE or Dubai however a remarkable drop in mercury levels prompted the people to wear the woolens.

 Climate change is one of the most critical challenges the WORLD is facing today. However, climate change largely relates to global warming. But the new studies are revealing that cold waves are also the consequences of global warming that is directly associated with the Arctic region.

 The minimal changes in the Arctic region impact the globe by maximum effects. Think about the rapid changes in this region and their consequences!

 The Arctic is warming at double the rate of the average global warming. Resulting in changes in the region’s climate consecutively melting of the sea, ice upsurging the snow cover in the Siberian region. These changes get a couple up with a few scientific phenomenons to give rise to the cold waves, which are a new cause of concern nowadays.

   What to do Before Cold wave

  •  Have an ear for local weather alerts and daily news. 
  • Stock adequate winter clothing. 
  • Store all handy medical equipment like portable oxygen concentrator, & Ventilator as people with respiratory diseases get affected badly on cold days.
  •  keep emergency supplies ready like water and food.
  • Motorists should take all precautions and follow the traffic regulations to save themselves from fog and poor visibility. 

  What should be done During Cold wave

  •  Follow general guidelines issued by the government. 
  • Avoid going out unnecessarily for a minimum exposure from the cold waves.
  • Wear clothes in layers that prevent heat loss from the body as air acts as an insulator.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes as Tight clothing reduces blood circulation. However, you can use the oxygen concentrators in case of a lack of oxygen due to interrupted blood circulation.
  • Keep yourself dry to save from frostbite.
  • Mittens are more helpful in preventing heat loss from the body, so choose them over gloves.
  • Increase your immunity with Vitamin- C rich foods.
  • Avoid cold drinks & include hot fluids in your daily routine to maintain the heat equilibrium of the body.
  • Don,t forget to moisturize your body after bathing with oil as it also reduces heat loss and saves your body from early dehydration.
  • Take care of older people and children both inside and outside the house as they are more prone to get impacted by these cold waves.
  • Do not ignore shivering as it can be an early sign of Hypothermia. Hypothermia is a condition that includes shivering, sleeplessness, difficulty in breathing, lack of consciousness. Consult the doctor without delay.

 In case of sleeplessness, you cause Sleep Apnea machine Dubai For the emergency purpose, especially at night.

 Frostbite: One of the consequences of cold waves

Frostbite is a condition in which your body parts get injured by excess exposure to cold weather or cold water. Your uncovered skin gets frostbitten first. However, it can still happen even if your skin is covered.

 How is frostbite different from Hypothermia?

Hypothermia happens when your body temperature drops below the normal one. Your normal body temperature lies between 95 to 98 degrees Celcius. 

Both of them are medical conditions as they can lead to diseases like gangrene. Never avoid seeing a doctor when any such condition affects you.

 Who is at risk for frostbite?

You can be at high risk of getting frostbite if you are

  •  Diabetic. (Keep checking your sugar levels with a glucometer, get the best one for yourself from Dubai)
  • Do Smoke or take nicotine in any form
  • Intaking alcohol
  • Taking medicines for high BP
  • Having a peripheral vascular disease or neural disease
  • Having poor blood circulation or dehydration.
  • Infants and elder people are most prone to frostbite

Different Stages of frostbite

 Frostbite begins with mild symptoms but quickly becomes severe in three different stages.

 1.    Frostnip: Frostnip is the warning stage when skin damage is still just temporary. So if you notice mild symptoms, get yourself treated immediately with home remedies like a wash with warm water, not with hot water.  

2.    Superficial frostbite: In this stage, the inner skin gets affected and freezes from inside. You can notice swelling in body parts like fingers and toes ad earlobes. The skin may also become stingy. You can feel bruises in the color of blue and red spots o your skin. Blistering and tightening skin parts are a symptom of more harmful frostbite.    

3.    Severe frostbite: If you feel total numbness in the affected body part then it’s a sign of severe frostbite. You may be unable to move the area that’s frostbitten as the skin gets too hard. See the doctor at the earliest in this condition. The frostbitten skin turns black as its cells die from freezing which needs to be removed surgically.

 Prevention From Frostbite

  • Avoid remaining wet or in touch with water for long hours.
  • Don,t let yourself out of the home for lengthy periods in cold.
  • Dress adequately before going out & try to warm yourself as much as possible.
  • Take special care of your neck, head, ears, hands, and feet as these areas lose the heat faster than any other body part. Cover them properly.
  • Don,t wear tight clothes. Always check your blood circulation level with the help of monitoring machines.
  • Keep checking the oxygen level in your body with Finger Tip Pulse Oximeter.
  • Take a proper check of your Blood pressure with UAE’S best BP machines.
  • In case of heavy breathing use the oxygen concentrator from Dubai which is available on rent at

Don,t underestimate the power of small medical equipment and its importance during cold waves.

Cold waves can leave you with various lethal health impacts and even can prove to be life-taking so, don’t ignore medical conditions like frostbite or its early signs. Stay warm stay safe in these cold waves.

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